How to be less stupid or how I found social media life hack and got a whole lot smarter in the process

I stole the title from a terrific book I am reading, Choose Yourself by James Altucher.  Highly recommend it!  Anyway, I was reminded of all the crap, the garbage, the stupid stuff, that clutters up my mind, leaving less room for smart stuff, for new and innovative ideas, and for loving thoughts of family and friends.

Those of you who know me, know I am a political animal.  Politics fascinates me (so does the holocaust, so you see where this is going, right?)  I am a complete cynic when to politics.  I am a ‘throw them all out’ kind of voter.  I have voted as often for Democrats as for Republicans, and for Independents whenever I find both major parties ridiculous.

This year was different, though.  For the first time in a very  very long time, I was actually hopeful.  I found a candidate I could actually support!  I mean, not just because I couldn’t stand the other guy, but actually SUPPORT!  I was optimistic, I was hopeful, I was anything but cynical.  Well, that didn’t last long.  For the past too many months, I have watched, and read and listened, as the political landscape became more and more of a horror story.  I saw my friends getting caught up, on one side of the other, in the hateful rhetoric of the other side, and then start to spread it around.  And I was becoming more and more disgusted.  But,  like a horrible automobile accident, or a train wreck, I just HAD to look.

Why was I letting all this crap enter my mind in the first place?  I mean, at some point, you have to say, there is really nothing I can do about this, it’s a waste of my energy and thought processes to even dwell on it, and to move on.  I have made up my mind how I am going to vote in November, none of my friends will be happy with my decision, and I don’t really care.  It is MY decision, MY vote and I will do as I see fit!  And the absolutely only reason to even pay attention at all is to see if some cataclysmic event can change my mind, which I highly doubt.

And when I determined to look away, lo and behold, an idea came into my mind.  Facebook Filters (and Twitter, and Snapchat, and a whole host of other social media platforms as well)!  See, I was getting smarter already!  THEN I discovered, they already exist!  and I just had to share with you all (like you didn’t already know, being infinitely smarter than I am.)

Whenever someone posts some dribble that makes you see red, click on the little arrow that is up and to the right of the post.  You will get a drop down menu and one of the options will be ‘hide everything from!  Easy Peasey.  I have been doing this or two days now.  My brain is starting to clear!  I can keep the stuff that is actually, you know, informative and deep six the rest.  AND still keep all my friends!

Life Hack indeed!  I don’t know about you, but I feel less stupid already!  Can’t wait for those creative juices to start flowing again.  Bring on the smart stuff!  And the creative ideas!  Not to mention the peace, love and harmony! What has this got to do with real estate?  Nothing, not a thing!  See. I told you so this would happen.


Disclaimer : The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual agent and author, and in no way reflect the opinion or policies of Keller Williams International, Keller Williams NJ (Master Franchisor), or Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan.

About Suzanne MacDowell

An entrepreneur and a relentless innovator of the real estate industry, Suzanne MacDowell is the creator of the “Value Driven Approach to Sell Real Estate” and is a licensed agent with Century 21 Joe Tekula Realtors. Suzanne has been called "provocative and entertaining," but also "a committed philanthropist" for her mission to raise/donate over $10,000 to local and charities each year. Suzanne is a leader in the Morris County business community as well, and co-founded ENG (Entrepreneurs Networking Group™) Central Morris Chapter—an exclusive group of business owners, sales professionals and entrepreneurs, focused on three core pillars of impact: Philanthropy, Business, and Growth!
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